An Integrated Approach to Client Visibility
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is vital for any practitioner or clinic to make a return on their website investment.
With Google updating part of their algorithms currently 500-600 per year, expert help is very important to avoid losing time and money when trying to rank your website.
Read our SEO Client Guide below, which outlines all you need to know.
Pay Per Click (PPC)
Pay Per Click media can be very successful as a stand alone campaign or augment an organic SEO strategy, where your website is the main source of new business.
PPC (Pay Per Click) requires dedicated professional management and optimization to maximize the available returns. We use proprietary techniques to achieve this for clients and at the same time improving Quality Score.
Reputation Services
Just a small number of neutral or negative reviews circulating online can have serious consequences, professionally and financially.
We do not aim just to eliminate the negative, but promote the positive to actively protect the individuals’ reputation for the long term.
Reputation Services include repair and management, which is very effective in providing peace of mind for our practitioner clients.
The cost of acquiring that visitor through SEO, a paid online ad or other means is lost for good.
However, to have the option to contact that visitor again with a targeted group of ads would be highly advantageous to a business. That option exists and is also known as “Remarketing” and can significantly increase conversions. This could mean a great deal more business from traffic which has already been paid for.
Clinical Marketing Services
We Continuously Monitor
We Specialize in Local SEO
We Test Extensively
Search Engine Penalty Recovery
Every year, millions of the 1.2 billion (and growing) sites that populate the internet globally, are hit with penalties from Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Sometimes business owners are not even aware that their business is suffering. Read more in our Penalty Recovery section about how we can first check to see if you are affected and if so, remedy the problem.

Keywords & Site Rankings
Quality Research is Vital
We carry out extensive keyword research for all clients, to determine which are the best keywords for your organization. We then consult with you to choose the optimal combination. That doesn’t always mean the most obvious keywords or the ones everyone else in your niche is trying to rank for.
There is a great deal of hidden keyword data on terms which are achievable and using our strategies, will give you the results businesses need. You may target as many as you wish and national businesses may need a greater number. You will also find that during our work you will start to rank for other variations and new terms as a bonus.
On-Page SEO
When Google crawls a website, there are certain locations within the site’s code that are of great importance for SEO. Some of these are the title tags, the URL and heading tags to name a few. If Google discovers the keywords you are trying to rank your site for in these locations, more weight is given to your site for these terms. This is a part of “On Page SEO”.
However, it is not simply a case of adding the keywords to these locations as many times as possible, as this will result in a site over optimization issue and the website becoming fixed on a back page where it will not be found. Careful and expert judgment must be used to avoid this in all areas of SEO.
Google & Keyword Position
The search engines use a large number of highly complex algorithms which change very frequently – in recent times, aspects of the Google algorithm have changed around 500-600 times a year. Each of these algorithms examines aspects of a websites ranking factors, such as number and quality of backlinks, social trust, topical relevance, site speed, content, keyword frequency and much more. It also critically looks at how the site in question compares to other sites in the same niche.
Ranking Fluctuation
After the data is returned to Google and analyzed, each keyword or phrase that the site ranks for, is assigned a position for which it will appear in the results. These are known as the SERPs. (Search Engine Ranking Position)
Each term may change on a daily basis especially for high competition niches, new sites, websites that are adding new content or entering new niches. Newer sites are especially vulnerable to stronger competition, negative SEO, penalties, bad Google reviews and poorly executed SEO practices.
Businesses need an SEO consultant that has an expert understanding of these factors.