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Web Design & Conversion Optimization

Check Your Existing Website

Many Issues Can Adversely Affect Performance


Website Design

While every website must look visually appealing there is a great deal more to consider than just esthetics.

A great, seamless user experience is vital if visitors are to develop a relationship with your brand or business.

We take great care to listen to our client’s needs and ideas before we even begin on a proposal to redesign or create a new website.

In addition to the look and user experience, a site must be SEO friendly and give the client the best possible chance of ranking highly in all the search engines.

SEO is an ongoing process that cannot safely be done at one point in time, although certain “on page ” aspects can certainly be.

Search engines build up a picture of a website’s trust and authority over a long period of time, taking over 200 metrics into consideration.

This is an area of expertise in which we can definitely help you achieve your business goals. Take a look at our SEO services page which explains more.


What Actually is a Conversion?

Our goal at Clinical Marketing Services is to remove the jargon, so clients understand what we do and how we benefit your business.

Getting visitors to your website is only the beginning. Vistors need to convert to patients, clients or join your mailing list.

This is the science and art of conversion optimization and is part of good website design.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is concerned with making the visitors’ journey as easy and smooth as possible to reach the end goal – becoming a client, patient, a sign-up or whatever your business goal may be.

CRO is a technical exercise which looks partly at the data trail that all visitors leave. These are things such as how many pages were viewed, for how long and much more.

From this data, conclusions can be drawn and improvements made – leading to much higher conversion rates.

The 6 Steps To A New Website

1. Initial Client Consultation

We will discuss your overall goals and what type of website you would like to showcase your business. We will make our recommendations for your consideration.

2. Confirmation in Writing

After agreement, CMS will confirm in writing our recommendations and outline a final proposal with itemized costs and timelines.

3. Page Plans & Mock Ups

After the client accepts our proposal the graphics team will start work on a page layout plan and graphic mock ups for your design, for your consideration.

4. Site Build & Presentation

When the client has decided upon a final design and page plan our developers will begin construction of the site. When completed we will present the site for your consideration and alterations.

5. Site Amendments

CMS give our clients ample opportunity to make changes to the design at this stage. After all changes are completed and the client is in agreement, the project is now ready to hand over.

6. Website Hand Over

At this point we will go through all aspects of the site operation with the client. In most cases, clients also retain us for SEO services to ensure that their business will be found in organic search results.

All Types of Sites & Platforms

Our developers are experienced in all types of website designs and platforms including but not limited to:

Corporate Business

Local business






Affiliate websites

The choice of platform will depend on your type of business but our developers will be able to accommodate your goals whatever your clinical setup or functionality.





Other solutions are available if required.

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